Sunday, November 1, 2015

2.1: November 2-6, 2016


Part 3 due on or before Friday, December 11
Conduct Experiment and Record Data and Observations
Record written observations and labeled sketches in your science fair journal as you conduct your experiment.
Record your data in a table that is titled and clearly labeled.  
Graph the data clearly and accurately.
In order to provide more reliable data, your experiment should be repeated several times. 
It is a good idea to do a rough draft in your science journal before making a final draft. 
You can use the graphing tool on our web site, or a software program such as excel (advanced) to construct your graph.


Lesson 16: Use divide by 10 patterns for multi-digit whole number division. Due Tuesday
Lesson 17: Use basic facts to estimate quotients with two-digit divisors. Due Wednesday
Lesson 18: 
Use basic facts to estimate quotients with two-digit divisors. Due Thursday
Lesson 19: Divide two and three digit dividends by multiples of 10 with single digit quotients and make connections to a written method. Due Friday

Katakana Quiz 2.1

New katakana
アイウエオ A

カキクケコ K
サシスセソ S
タチツテト T

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