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Advice from our experts...
- start early
- plan ahead and do a little every week
- do something you thought of and are interested in
- take good observation notes and data throughout the process in your science fair journal
- make sure your board is organized, clearly labeled and easy to follow
Northwest Science Expo Categories
- Animal Science and Microbiology
- Behavior and Social Sciences
- Chemistry
- Consumer Product Testing
- Earth Science
- Energy and Transportation
- Engineering
- Environmental Science
- Mathematics and Computer Science
- Medicine and Health Science
- Physics: Electromagnetic
- Physics: Mechanical
- Plant Science
- Winterhaven School Science Fair: January 26, 2017, 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
- Science Expo at Portland State University: TBA
A word processed copy of each part will be turned in on the assigned due date. Students will save their work on their apps4pps account. Apps4pps allows for easy access both at school and at home. Students may use Word for their final draft copy.
- Science Inquiry Work Sample Template (pdf)
- Science Fair Scoring Sheet (pdf)
- Science as Inquiry Portal (Great source of information to guide you through the process)
- Graph it!
- Grade 5 Science
Science fair timeline/pacing schedule for 2016-2017
Look at and seek to understand the "big picture" before you begin.
Please use apps4pps, this will allow us to work on our science fair projects at school as well as at home.
Part 1: Due December 2, 2016
Journal- Set up your journal in preparation to record observations throughout all parts of the project. Journals should include; written descriptions, labeled sketches, data tables and graphs, questions, ideas, and problems. Use your journal daily!
Background Information- Why did you choose your question? Where did you get the idea? What real world application does it have? What science did you learn about your project/topic through research? Conduct research from a variety of sources (i.e. experts, research articles, web pages, books). Sources must be cited.
Question- Your inquiry question must have a independent variable (x-axis) and an dependent variable (y-axis).
note: the independent variable is the variable you change in the experiment while the dependent variable is the corresponding measurement.
Hypothesis- This is your "educated", predicted outcome of the inquiry. You will need to explain your thinking and reasoning in detail. A graph of your hypothesis would be a good visual to go along with your written explanation. Don’t forget the independent variable (x-axis) and an dependent variable (y-axis).
Part 2 due on or before Friday, December 9, 2016
Materials List and Procedure-
Go to the inquiry portal for guidance on this part or any part of the science fair project. Include a step by step list of the procedure you followed in your experiment. Write this section so that someone who doesn’t know anything about your project can follow what you did. Explain as though your audience is intelligent, but uninformed. Using diagrams along with your explanation of the procedure is a good idea.
Part 3 due on or before Friday, January 6, 2017
Conduct Experiment and Record Data and Observations- Record written observations and labeled sketches in your science fair journal as you conduct your experiment. Record your data in a table that is titled and clearly labeled. Graph the data clearly and accurately. In order to provide more reliable data, your experiment should be repeated several times. It is a good idea to do a rough draft in your science journal before making a final draft. You can use the graphing tool on our web site, or a software program such as excel (advanced) to construct your graph.
Part 4 due on or before Friday, January 13, 2017
Analysis and Conclusion:
A: Analysis- this includes your data displayed in tables and graphs in final draft form and a written explanation of what your data shows. What story does your graph tell?
B: Conclusion- include a graph that shows data from both your hypothesis as well as the actual results from your analysis. Explain whether or not the hypothesis is supported by your analysis. Compare and contrast your hypothesis and analysis. Consult your journal for any discoveries and difficulties you encountered along the way and report it here. What scientific question or questions were raised during or after your investigation that you would you like to explore?
Part 5 due on or before Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Putting it all together...
Display board completed and turned in for judging.
Display Board Directions
SCIENCE FAIR JUDGING Tuesday, January 24 and Wednesday January 25
SCIENCE FAIR Thursday, January 26, 2017, 5:00-7:00 p.m.
The top three finishers in grades 5-8 may participate in the Intel Northwest Science Expo at Portland State University, March TBA.
Important Information for NWSE
- Set up display Thursday night, March 19 between 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. at the PSU gymnasium. You must bring your MS EZ form and list of procedures to leave with your project (Mr. Thompson will send this home on Monday).
- Signed permission slip turned in to Mr. Thompson no later than Wednesday, March 19.
- Bus fare for tri-met to and from P.S.U., lunch money for food cart
Friday, March 20 Schedule:
9:00 depart Winterhaven for P.S.U.
9:00- 10:00 registration and check in
10:00- 12:30 students interviewed by judges
12:30-2:00 lunch break (downtown food court)
2:00-3:15 activities and tours for middle school students
3:15-4:15 Exhibits open to public
4:15-5:15 Middle School Award Ceremony
5:30- Clean-up and projects removed
Fair day schedule
www.nwse.org9:00- 10:00 registration and check in
10:00- 12:30 students interviewed by judges
12:30-2:00 lunch break (downtown food court)
2:00-3:15 activities and tours for middle school students
3:15-4:15 Exhibits open to public
4:15-5:15 Middle School Award Ceremony
5:30- Clean-up and projects removed
Fair day schedule