Updated for the 2015-2016 School Year
- One Cool Kid
- David Suzuki
- Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution
- ted.com Positive Change Project
- Story of Stuff
- Rebuilding Center Story
Web ED- online systems thinking guidance
- Decrease your footprint (decrease the negative impacts)
- Increase your handprint (increase positive impacts)
- Integration of the concepts regeneration and sustainability
Timeline 2016:
- April 22: Topic- list of possibilities to consider (3-5).
- May 6: Topic selected and turned in with a 1-2 page summary explaining your personal connection to the project, and the multiple ways (at least two) your project relates to positive change.
- May 16-20: Iceberg thinking poster presentations
- Begin Pecha Kucha (20 slides in 20 seconds per slide)
- May 31 to June 3: Final revised products presented. Pecha Kucha(ペチャクチャ) format is recommended for final products. Pecha Kucha is a visual representation of your project that will be narrated by you. 20 slides will be presented in 6:40 seconds, or 20 seconds per slide. Note cards are allowed. No text on slides.
Mid-term presentation and reports:
- Personal connection essay- Topic selected and turned in with a 1-2 page summary explaining your personal connection to the project, and the multiple ways (at least two) your project relates to positive change.
- Iceberg thinking poster presentations- can be made on poster-board or done electronically on google docs. Iceberg posters will include all of the systems thinking tools found in the iceberg model; BOTG's, connection circles, causal loops, and ladder of inference to show mental models. Our purpose is to make the most important elements within the system visible.
- Positive change written report In your report you will identify and explain your problem, explain how your strategy solves or improves the situation(increase positive, and decrease negative) tell how systems thinking tools and habits helped you with your project, and respond to the reinforcing and corrective feedback you received from your classmates.
Outline for Positive Change Project written report
Introduction- Lead and Thesis statement, (tip of the ice-berg).
Body 1- Whats key system elements have been changing over time?- Identify and explain important patterns and trends from BOTG's.
Body 2- Show interdependence- How are system elements dependent on one another? (Connection Circles and Causal Loops)- look at and explain the complexity and synergy between the interdependent variables within the system.
Body 3- Mental models- How has your thinking and understanding changed after using the ice-berg model (ladder of inference). What new perspectives do you understand? Conclusion- Proposal; What is your corrective action goal to close the gap. (causal loop) - ペチャクチャ Positive Change Project- Engineering/Designing a Solution using the tools, habits, and concepts:Identify a problem, its root causes, and explain why resolving this problem is important for positive change to occur. Use the iceberg model to guide your thinking. Do your research, talk to experts as well as friends and family, read books and articles, use your imagination to possibly redesign the system. How will you change mental models?
After gaining a deep understanding of your problem, i.e. the current reality, set a goal then design a strategy of corrective actions using systems habits, tools, and concepts that will close the gap between the current reality and your goal. (Leverage: greatest impact with the least effort)
Discuss how the process of using Systems Thinking deepened your thinking and understanding of your problem, allowing you to engineer a strategy to promote positive change.
Slow and steady wins the race!
Student Positive Change Project Ideas:
- food mandala (make one for our region)
- feedback loops and decision making
- food and energy reduction
- multiple use packaging
- habitat restoration
- renewable energy
- more efficient meals, less meat more vegetables
- striving for zero waste
- water conservation
- MSG and food additives
- genetic engineering of our food
- how pesticides increase the problems
- eat for the earth
- buy quality not quantity
- consumption: vote with your dollar
- organ donation awareness and impact
- permaculture practice
- food bank and leverage
- CFL's and LED's
- Conservation of resources
- locavore lifestyle
- chemical fertilizers and the death of soil, rivers and oceans
- vegetarianism and environmental impact
- the life of a can of coke or any product
- reduce, reduce, reduce
- refuse!, rethink! reuse, reduce, recycle
- what is healthy soil?
- obesity: cause and effect on our system
- to be continued...