Grade 5 Module 2: Multi-Digit Whole Number and Decimal Fraction Operations
• Lesson 19: Objective: Divide two- and three-digit dividends by multiples of 10 with single-digit quotients and make connections to a written method.
No Homework.
• Lesson 20: Objective: Divide two- and three-digit dividends by two-digit divisors with single-digit quotients and make connections to a written method.
Due Tuesday, November 29.
• Lesson 21: Objective: Divide two- and three-digit dividends by two-digit divisors with single-digit quotients and make connections to a written method.
Due Wednesday, November 30.
• Lesson 22: Objective: Divide three- and four-digit dividends by two-digit divisors resulting in two- and three-digit quotients, reasoning about the decomposition of successive remainders in each place value.
Due Thursday December 1.
Science Fair
Part 1: Due Friday, December 2, 2016
Journal- Set up your journal in preparation to record observations throughout all parts of the project. Journals should include; written descriptions, labeled sketches, data tables and graphs, questions, ideas, and problems. Use your journal daily!
Background Information– Why did you choose your question? Where did you get the idea? What real world application does it have? What science did you learn about your project/topic through research? Conduct research from a variety of sources (i.e. experts, research articles, web pages, books). Sources must be cited.
Question- Your inquiry question must have a independent variable (x-axis) and an dependent variable (y-axis).
note: the independent variable is the variable you change in the experiment while the dependent variable is the corresponding measurement.
Hypothesis- This is your “educated”, predicted outcome of the inquiry. You will need to explain your thinking and reasoning in detail. A graph of your hypothesis would be a good visual to go along with your written explanation. Don’t forget the independent variable (x-axis) and an dependent variable (y-axis).
日本語2.2 Katakana practice (quiz on Friday, December 2)
Dialogue practice (quiz on Friday, December 2)
とけい(clock), えんぴつ(pencil), かみ(paper), ぺん(pen),
つくえ(desk), いす(chair), ほん(book), ほっちきす(stapler)
Dialogue practice (quiz on Friday, December 2)
とけい(clock), えんぴつ(pencil), かみ(paper), ぺん(pen),
つくえ(desk), いす(chair), ほん(book), ほっちきす(stapler)
うえ(on) なか(in) した(under)
Part 1
ぺんはにほんごでなんですか。What is pen in Japanese?
ぺんです。It’s pen.
ぺんです。It’s pen.
えんぴつはえいごでなんですか。What is enpitsu in English?
pencil です。It’s pencil.
pencil です。It’s pencil.
みずをのんでもいいですか。Can I get a drink of water please?
はい、いいです。Yes, sure.
はい、いいです。Yes, sure.
おてあらいにいってもいいでうか。Can I go wash my hands please?
はい、いいです。Yes, sure.
Part 2
ほんは、どこですか。Where is the book?
ほんは、つくえのうえにあります. The book is on the desk
はい、いいです。Yes, sure.
Part 2
ほんは、どこですか。Where is the book?
ほんは、つくえのうえにあります. The book is on the desk
ほっちきすは、どこですか。Where is the stapler?
ほっちきすは、つくえのなかにあります。The staple is in the desk.
ほっちきすは、つくえのなかにあります。The staple is in the desk.
えんぴつは、どこですか。Where is the pencil?
えんぴつは、つくえのしたにあります. The pencil is under the desk.
えんぴつは、つくえのしたにあります. The pencil is under the desk.
Part 3
なんじですか。What time is it?
9じです。9 o’clock.
なんじですか。What time is it?
9じです。9 o’clock.
なんがつ、なんにちですか。What month and day is it?
11がつ24にちです。It’s November 24.
11がつ24にちです。It’s November 24.
あなたのたんじょうびはいつですか。When is your birthday?
4がつ18にちです。It’s April 18th.
4がつ18にちです。It’s April 18th.
がっこうのでんわばんごうはなんですか。What’s the schools phone number?
503−916−6200です。It’s 503-916-6200
503−916−6200です。It’s 503-916-6200
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